A Blog Based On The Life Of Your Not So Average Teenager.

hey people of the interwebs Steven back again with yet another blog post. In this post I will be telling you about a video I posted and how I created the trick featured in the video.

Well lets get down to business. As i type this up it is currently 1am and I am sitting eating some grilled cheese so don't say I don't work hard for this blog. First off I want to say thanks to everyone who sent me ideas for future blog posts.there were some awesome ideas and some not so awesome but I will be posting about some of these ideas in the near future. Second of all I want to say thank you to all my readers who have shared this blog on all the social networks and also for reading because without the readers I would be talking to myself. OK that's the business end taking care of so now lets get in to the post.

Below you will see a video of me performing a trick I created about 2 or 3 years ago. Let me tell you a little bit of history of this trick and how I went about creating this trick. First off let me start by saying that Hofzinser Ace Problems is something I have always liked and I have seen/learnt millions of the dam things but I have never found one that I have found to be amazing.

Some I have learnt and performed include:

Larry Jennings A Problem with Hofzinser can be found in The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings. First published in 1986 and can be found on p.17.

Benjamin Earl`s Shades of Hofzinser can be found on his 3 DVD set past midnight on the first disk.

Elm – Zinser by John Gelasi found in the cardshark issue 3.

Peter McLanachan Hofzinser 2001 this can be found on page 6 of his lecture notes A force much greater than luck.
There are some more but names and crediting at this moment escape me.

So how did I go about creating this trick? Well I didn`t sit down and say I want to invent a new Hofzinser Ace Problem oh no. I first developed the idea for this trick when I saw a performance of Dan and Dave Buck`s Hoffzy Osbourne posted by a friend of mine on YouTube. I then asked him where the trick can be found and went and bought myself a copy of the trilogy by the Buck twins where the trick can be found (I later found out it was first published in there lecture notes called FIVE http://magicref.tripod.com/books/buckfivenotes.htm ).

I learnt the trick but I noticed that I didn`t like a lot of the sleights used in this trick so I made a few changes to this trick. I performed it a lot and got feedback from some magician friends of mine but for some reason I stopped performing it. A few months later I attended a lecture held by Peter McLanachan in which he taught his version of the Hofzinser Ace Problem which is a really good version might I add and this gave me a few more ideas. A few months later I started messing around with it again and I made a few improvements to the original routine. Yet again I stopped doing this trick for some reason.

A little bit later I had an idea that idea was that I would show this trick to a few really knowledgeable magicians I know and see what they thought. I showed the trick to a few of them and they all said it need work so I started to think of ways of changing the handling to make it a little bit better and I couldn’t so yet again I stopped doing it. I then had random thought at 5am and that thought was what if I used a move by Luke Dancy called "to the table" (which can be found on his sin city DVD) but apply it to the display of the aces would it work. So I tried it out ad it worked. I had hit the eureka moment.

I started to play with it a little and made some more improvements then I showed it to a few magicians that had previously said it sucked and they liked it. That is the story of how I made up Ace-diction but there’s one thing I haven`t mentioned and that is how I came about naming this trick. Well the name was really easy to think up. I had simply looked at the finished image that the spectator is left with and I thought to myself how the spectators would describe this effect to their friends. The way I thought the spectator would describe this effect was “the aces predicted my card” so from that I came up with the name Ace-diction.

Well that’s enough of me talking about the creativity process of this trick now time to watch the video. Let me know what you think.

(note: all video editing and production was done by my self)

Well that’s it from me today I will be back soon with a new post. Let me know what you thought by posting below, contacting me on any of the ways listed below or commenting on the video at youtube.com.

Steven Blair :)

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