A Blog Based On The Life Of Your Not So Average Teenager.

Hey people of the interwebs its Steven back again with yet another blog post. This one is going to be the last 12 months of my life summed up in less than 1000 words I know bit of a challenge but here goes.

This year has been full of lots of ups and downs due to some health issues and personal matters I have had well that’s enough of the sad stuff now on to the good stuff. So I will start off by explaining my non magic related life and then I will move to the magic side.

First thing that I did was I went to see one of my favourite musicals for the 4th time “We Will Rock You” really enjoyed it and if you haven’t seen it I recommend you go and see it. In June I celebrated my 17th birthday. Well I don’t feel any older but it was a good birthday.
In July I went to the Bulgarian town of Slunchev Bryag for a family holiday it was great I met some nice people and had a fantastic time. While I was there I had the chance to travel to the Turkish city of Istanbul really lovely city and had a great time and would certainly do it again. That’s the important events of the past 12 months that are not magic related.( for photos visit my Facbook)

So magic wise it’s been a great year had the chance to perform at some events and they were good fun although I had to stop because of my health issues but I have been slowly starting to do some more. Well at the start of the year I attended a day of card magic called “Paul Gordon’s card capers” this was a great day learned so much about performing magic and loads of new tricks that I still do.( A review of the day can be found by clicking here) .

In February not much magic wise happened apart from I had the chance to see Peter McLanachan AKA The Cardman perform his lecture “A Force Much Greater Than Luck” this was a really good lecture based on just card magic but some of the stuff was really fantastic and I still to this day perform one of the tricks he explained in the lecture all the time.

Nothing really happened for the next few months up until May this was a great month for magic because I had the chance to go to the Scottish Association of Magical Societies (S.A.M.S) convention which this year was held in the Scottish city of Dundee. This was a really good weekend got to spend time with some magician friends and even had the chance to see some lectures, competitions and shows. The first lecture of the weekend was Terry Herbert this lecture was based on kid’s stage magic. Although I don’t do magic aimed at kids I still enjoyed this lecture and I learned some stuff which is a bonus. The second lecture of the weekend was by a Scottish magician called Paul Nardini and this lecture was on comedy stage magic which is something that I really love Paul taught all kinds of magic from booktests to tricks that were more arts and crafts I really enjoyed this lecture and I hope I can catch the full lecture sometime soon because it was cut short due to the competitions over running. The last lecture was by Eddie Dawes and it was called “The Dream Merchants” and this was about old magic catalogues I never watched the whole lecture because I had some other things to do. This was a great weekend and if you ever get the chance to go to a S.A.M.S convention I would go. Next year’s convention will be held in my hometown of Kilmarnock hope to see you all there.

Then not much happened over the summer months apart from performing some magic in Bulgaria to bar staff in a few pubs thats about it.

The next thing was I had the chance to see my friend Michael Neto perform his Lecture “ structuring a Close up Competition Act” this was a great lecture in which Michael spoke about how you make a magic act he then performed one of his winning magic acts and taught all the material he had performed this was a really good lecture because the main focus of the lecture was not tricks it was theory and I liked that also he taught mostly coin magic tricks and as you all should know coin magic is my favourite magic. If you ever get the chance to see Michael perform this lecture recommend you do.

As well as catching a lot of lectures in person I also managed to catch some online. The first online lecture this year I managed to catch was a lecture by Themagicsession.com and it was a lecture that Chris Mayhew performed this was a good lecture had some nice stuff (magicians if you missed it. You can find it on the on-demand section of their website along with lots of other free lectures, product reviews and articles.).

I then was able to catch the Essential Magic Conference (EMC). This is the world’s only online magic conference and it was great. It had performances, lectures and talks by some of the biggest “names” in magic. Recommend you all try and catch next years.

The next lecture was another themagicsession.com lecture and it was by my friend Jamie Daws and in this lecture he taught tricks with cards, business cards and he even spoke about his creativity process yet again available in the on-demand section on the site.

The last online lecture of this year was a lecture by yet again themagicsession.com and it was a lecture by the awesome Caleb Wiles this was the best online lecture of the year (close to the best lecture over all closely behind Peter McLanachan and Michael Neto.) in this lecture he taught loads of great magic and he also explained a lot about how he thought up the tricks which was really interesting. Really recommend you watch this lecture it’s also available in the on-demand section of the site.

Well there you go that’s my past 12 months summed up in just over 1000 words.With the year being almost over I have set myself some goals and aims for 2012 and I really hope I can stick to these. They are:-
1. Join the gym
2. Eat more healthier
3. Spend more time with friends (magic/non magic related) and family
4. Do more magic gigs
5. Pass my college course
There are some more but they are the main ones.

Anyways that’s it from me for this year feel free to contact me on any of the ways below and have a Happy New year.

Steven Blair :)

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Hello people of the interwebs its Steven yet again with another blog post. This will be a really quick one because I can’t type too much due to an injury (long story may share it with you all sometime).

As you all know it’s almost that time of year again where we all get together to spend time with friends, family and loved ones. Lots of people at this time of year travel half way around to world just for this occasion. Yes I am talking about the Christmas and new year . So I would like take the time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year and for those traveling over the festive period I hope you all have a safe trip.

In the next couple of weeks I will have another post up. This will be my summary of 2011. Well that’s it from me. If you have any questions wish to contact me then feel free to comment below or contact me on the ways listed at the bottom of this page 

Thanks again

Steven Blair :)
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Hello people of the interwebs its Steven again with yet another blog post. This post is going to be a little different from anything I have done before.

In this post I am going to share with you some of my favourite online videos I have found in the past few months. Why am I doing this I hear you ask? Well the answer simple, when I first started up my blog I said I would share things I find online from time to time but I haven’t done it yet.

The first video I want to share is a video titled “Pete Holmes on Conan #2 (Magic)” this is a fairly new video that was posted around a month ago. This video really made me laugh so much and what Pete says is so true.

The second video I want to share is one that really inspired me when I first seen it and its titled “Apple Steve Jobs The Crazy Ones - NEVER BEFORE AIRED 1997” this was going to be an advert for Apple products in 1997 but it was never aired and being a big fan of the late Steve Jobs I thought I would share this.

The next video is a video that features probably on of my favorite magicians of all time Wayne Dobson and its titled “Freddie Starr & Wayne Dobson Royal Variety Performance 1989” this video if you haven’t seen it will properly have you in stiches because Wayne Dobson is one of the funniest and most entertaining guys there is. The second part of the video is Freddie Star performing some stand-up comedy and when I first seen this video I couldn`t stop laughing. I am sure you will enjoy it.

Think you will all enjoy this one it’s a video title “Beat Box 2” and it features clips of two guys going to stores and randomly beat boxing while talking to people in the store.

The next video is one that is called “He Dies At The End” the first time I watched this it scared the pants off me and it just so happened to be while on webcam with some friends. I am not going to spoil what happens just watch it.

The next video is called “Japanese in Istanbul / Maras Dondurmasi / Turkish Ice Cream” the reason I am sharing this is because as you may remember I went to Istanbul in the summer and I saw this live for the first time 3 years after I first seen this video.

The next video is a magic related video which is called “Andrei Jikh- in the cards”. I want to point out I don’t do any of this style of magic but this video is great has fantastic camera work and editing plus some kick ass flourishes and I think you will all enjoy this video even if you’re not a magician.

The last video I want to share is a video that combines two of my favorite things magic and technology. This video is called “iPod Magician - Marco Tempest” I have watched this video at least 30 times in the 6 months its been online.

Well that’s it for this post I hope you enjoyed watching some of the videos I decided to share and I will be doing more posts like this in the future. I will be back with another post later in the month and if you have any videos you think I would enjoy then feel free to share them in the comments below or contact me on any of the ways listed below.

Steven Blair :)

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Hello people of the interwebs its Steven again with yet another blog post. This post is going to be 100% aimed at magicians so apologies in advance to my non magician readers.

So what exactly is this blog going to be about?Well when I started this blog I wanted to share stuff with magicians with that being performance videos of magicians I look up to, advice on making magic better or reviews of products I have bought recently. 
Well today I will be doing my first ever magic product review. So if it sucks please forgive me.First I would like to say the following review is my honest opinion so if it is a bad review I am just speaking my mind. So let’s get started.
Name of product: iCANDY by Gary jones and Lee Smith.
Price: £19.99 or $29.99 USD.
Available from: rsvpmagic.com or your favourite magic dealer.
Quick Description: Welcome to Lee Smith and Gary Jones’ brand new DVD set ‘iCANDY. Featuring a massive 15, yes that’s right, 15 fantastic routines for the working magician. These are all featured in their professional working sets, so you know it’s commercial, direct and to the point, this is pure ‘iCANDY’ that you will use.


Quality of the DVD: Well as you will have come to expect by RSVP Magic it is brilliantly produced and edited. The only problem I have is that the play all button never worked on my DVD not sure if it was just my copy or not. The DVD is laid out really well. Firstly you get a live performance in a bar. Then you get an in-depth explanation of the effect with either Lee or Gary sitting in giving extra ideas. 
What effects are on this DVD?
The following section will be split into 4 sections for each trick.  
1.   Name of effect

2.   Description of effect

3.   My honest opinion on the effect

4.   Rating out of 10
Name of effect: Kick Back Kings.
Description of effect: One of Lee's favourite routines. A chosen card, lost in the deck reappears between the Kings! Or does it?
My honest opinion on the effect: This effect is really good, really simple to do, and straight to the point! This is a version of Luke Dancy's Royale with Cheese but it uses no gimmicks and is 100% impromptu. Not had the chance to try this out yet but I can imagine the reactions it will get can’t wait to try it out.
Rating out of 10: 8/10

Name of effect: Kick Back Kicker
Description of effect: The selected card jumps from your pocket and back again. You’ll love the climax to this one, that’ll fry their brains!
My honest opinion on the effect: This is a trick which is similar kind of effect to Kick Back Kings but has an extra kicker. It can be used as a phase after Kick Back Kings or on its own. When I watched the performance I had an idea of what was going on until the kicker. Yet again I haven’t had the chance to try this out for spectators. Overall a really good trick.
Rating out of 10

Name of effect: T.N.T

Description of effect: A signed card is torn then restored VISUALLY! The spectator is left holding an impossible prediction!
My honest opinion on the effect: Really liked this trick because it is so visual, so clever, and the thing that would leave you dirty, is used as a prediction, making everything clean and examinable. I yet again haven’t tried this out but I will definitely do it soon.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: iFONE 10
Description of effect: How would like to leave your clients with the perfect memorable souvenir? Complete with additional routines and ideas by Gary Jones, John Carey, Cameron Francis and Iain Moran. The brilliant new routine from Lee Smith that's a real 'worker' for all magicians! The release for this has been slightly delayed due to the overwhelming response from professional workers that have been already featuring this routine. People such as Gary Jones, Iain Moran and Cameron Francis have all added bonus routines and ideas to Lee's original plot and these have all now been added to the project! Each DVD comes with a special PDF containing several iFONE 10 templates that you can print out yourself. You're also provided with templates that can be customised by you to add your name and contact details... imagine the perfect giveaway that can publicize you after the show!
My honest opinion on the effect: Incase you don’t know iFONE 10 was going to be a one trick DVD this is why they have include all the bits you would expect a single DVD to have. They have even included templates. This is a brilliant and funny routine! I totally will do this I have to say I think that this alone is worth the price of the DVD.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: Easy EyeFone
Description of effect: Gary Jones' easy to do version of EyeFone 10 that you'll master in minutes!
My honest opinion on the effect: This is an excellent version of iFONE 10 that takes away the difficult slights used in the original iFONE 10 routine. This is really good if you’re not a hard-core card guy.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: Scoop
Description of effect: Watch! Your signature VISUALLY jumps to the spectators signed selection. Anniversary Waltz with a regular deck!
My honest opinion on the effect: Again, another awesome trick, such a great ending to Anniversary Waltz. Has to be seen, it is so visual! I have for a while been ending my Ambitious Card Routine with something a lot similar to this trick even before this DVD was released. The reactions I have got with this trick (and the one that is similar) have been great.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: 3C
Description of effect: A stunning multi-phase coin routine, perfect for the strolling magician. 
My honest opinion on the effect: One word AWESOME that I think sums up this routine once you know how it’s done you will smile with joy. Really like this routine because it’s easy to follow, uses my favourite thing fire and also love the Tommy Wonder moment at the end of the routine. Yet again a great trick that is worth the price of the DVD.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: No Palm Coins through table.
Description of effect: If you want a self-working, super clean coins through table with no moves? Well here it is!
My honest opinion on the effect: This trick fooled the hell out of me the first time I seen this I was thinking the method was something really complicated. After watching the explanation I was so glad it was so simple. If you want a coin thru table routine but you’re not much of a coin guy this is for you. Lastly during the performance there was a part at the end with Gary that made me laugh (if you have the DVD watch the performance of this trick you will see what I am talking about) because it’s so cheeky.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: Ring to purse.
Description of effect: A transposition with a borrowed finger ring and a coin purse. Using Gary's clever utility.
My honest opinion on the effect: This was the trick that sold the DVD for me. I came across a video of Gary doing this trick on YouTube and it made me want to get this DVD. Once I got the DVD I skipped to the explanation of this trick and I was not disappointed. This trick would be a great follow up to any finger ring routine. I have thought up a great routine based around this trick.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: No Sleep
Description of effect: One of the fastest transpositions you’ll ever see.
My honest opinion on the effect: I am going to confess when I saw this trick I was convinced it would not work because of the boldness. After playing around with it for a while I performed it on one of my friends and she was fooled. Think it’s safe to say it worked better than I thought. I now perform this a lot really glad I tried it out. Overall a really quick visual trick that would go really well with Lees Kick Back Kings and/or Kick back kicker.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: Vanishing point.
Description of effect: Not for the faint hearted! A very bold sandwich effect. Once mastered always performed!
My honest opinion on the effect: Yet again another amazing trick this one fooled me but once I seen the explanation I was so happy it was so simple. This trick I perform all the time and have fooled a lot of people (magicians/ non magicians) when you get this DVD skip to this trick.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: 6 Card Dunbury.
Description of effect: A great take on Charlie Millers classic.
My honest opinion on the effect: This trick really isn’t my kind of trick but I can say it is a really nice method and if it’s your kind of trick you will like this one.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: One Short of a full deck
Description of effect: Brainwave with no rough or smooth and an added kicker which will knock them sideways!
My honest opinion on the effect: I perform the classic brainwave deck routine a lot and I liked this because if I don’t want to carry an extra deck then I can set this up in seconds and do the same trick.
Rating out of 10:

Name of effect: Pocket 2 pocket 2 pocket 
Description of effect: Gary’s famous pocket to pocket sequence, where the signed card jumps from pocket to pocket to pocket.......! Fast, Furious and real i-candy!
My honest opinion on the effect: Yet again another trick which is worth the price of the DVD. Although it is a difficult trick to pull off it will be worth all the work. Can’t wait to get it down and to go out and perform it.
Rating out of 10:
Conclusion: Well as you can see I really enjoyed this DVD and I could go on for hours about how good this DVD is. This DVD is absolutely CRAMMED full with some brilliant material. The material on the DVD is very commercial and you can see these routines have been worked over and over again. The tricks are all fun to perform, simple to follow, very visual and hard hitting (some will even fool your magic buddies).
Just to point out: If you only use 2 of these effects long term, this DVD has in a way paid for its self. Also I recommend watching all of the explanations because although you may not want to perform the trick you will learn something new.
Overall rating: 9/10 - Great tricks, good value and was really fun to watch I would highly recommend this to anyone who does magic. Either as a working professional or a hobbyist there is something that you will use no mater your style and skill level.
Well that’s it from me this review took me longer than I thought to write up. Hope you enjoyed.Remember to comment below or contact me on any of the ways listed below with your thoughts on the DVD or for more information.

Steven Blair :)
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Well hello to all my people in interwebs land who read my blog. Its me again back with a video not sure if you will enjoy it or not its up to you. If you don’t enjoy it its your fault not mine.

What’s in the video I hear you ask. Well let me answer that for you before you watch. As some of you will know in magic there’s a plot called Any Card At Any Number (ACAAN for short and sometimes known as the Berglas effect) which was made famous a number of years ago by David Berglas a number of years ago and has been kept a secret until recently when it was published in a book by written by David Britland and published by Jim Steinmeyer called The Mind & Magic of David Berglas (which I believe is now out of print 3 months after its release but I may be wrong)

The main idea of Any Card At Any Number is that a card is thought of, a number between 1 and 52 is thought of, and finally the named card is revealed at the predicted position in the deck.

Here is some good ACAANS I have came across some hands off (hands off means magician “doesn’t” touch the cards) and some not . One of my favourites to perform is one of the first magic tricks I ever learned and to this day I still perform it regularly. Another good ACAAN is one by a magician called Danny Garcia titled CAAN which can be found on one of the first 3 projects he did.(think its disk 3 not 100% sure). Last ACAAN I really recommend is one by Matt Mello which can be found on the first disk of his 2 DVD set Modern Metalism (really recommend the DVD set). Really like this one because its so simple and I have had great fun performing. There are a few more I like by Steven Tucker and Wayne Dobson. Well I think that’s enough information on ACAAN`s if you want to know where to buy any of the stuff I have mentioned then leave me a message and I will be more than happy to sort you out with the source.
I have always been a fan of self working and hands off Any Card At Any Number. So I thought I would make this comedy video based on the Any Card At Any Number so please enjoy and have a Happy Halloween.

The video was edited by my self

Steven Blair :)
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Well hello to all my people in interwebs land who read my blog. Well I haven’t posted anything on here for about 2 months. So I think its time I posted something.
Below you will see a little comedy video I put together after messing around with a really old magic trick that I hadn’t done for ages and I thought it would be a good idea to get it out and work on it and maybe show some friends or family it.

After messing with the trick for about 2 hours I started to think what will the spectators think . And after thinking about that for the best part of half an hour I started to be silly and made what the spectator will think (a card held together with sticky tape).I took a photo and posted the photo on my facebook page.I got a lot of good feedback from it so from that photo I decided to make this video for a little bit of fun because I thought it would be a laugh.

After a late night of brainstorming for the video. I went to college and was still thinking about the awesome idea. I then messaged some magician friends and asked them for a quote for the best ever torn and restored card. That night I spent about 2 hours making a storyboard and it was ready to piece together.

The next day I finished college at 1pm and had half of the day free so instead of doing nothing I decided to film the few clips needed for the video. I then spent around 3 hours editing the video (ok I know theres not much editing but I am easily distracted).

Well that’s enough from me for now.

Enjoy the video all feedback is welcome be sure to share my blog/video to your friends. 

Steven Blair :)

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Haven’t posted anything in over a month. I feel as if I have neglected my blog for a while.
Here’s what’s been going on. I have finished college for this year in which I passed my course (yeah go me) and I will be starting the next level of my degree (if you can call it that) in September.

I Recently got back from a two week holiday in the Bulgarian resort of Slanchev Briag (translated in English to Sunny Beach) in which I visited lots of nice places such as the historic town of Nesebar and the lovely city of Istanbul. You can see the photos of this on my personal Facebook page. I may do a separate post about my short trip to Istanbul sometime soon.

Since my last post I have created a fan page for Steven Blair Magician link can be found below.(click the photo)

Well that’s about it really nothing exciting has really happened in the way of magic apart from winning the Kilmarnock Magic Circle General Magic Competition but only just won it there were some great acts that entered. I will be posting a video sometime over summer of a trick I have been working on for a while now. I may film some live magic performances if I get the chance to and post them on Youtube and my on here.

Well that’s enough for me. Let me know about what you have been up to over the summer in the comments below.

Related Links
Holiday snaps
Info on Slanchev Briag
Info on Istanbul
Info on Nesebar
Facebook fan page
Kilmarnock Magic Circle 

Have a great summer
Steven Blair :)
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Well I haven’t done a post in about a month so I thought that I would post a blog.

As I type this I am sitting in software development having just passed an assessment.
Well summer 2011 is just around the corner and I am looking forward to it got so much planned.

Going on holiday to Slunchev Bryag in Bulgaria (also known as sunny beach) for two weeks and loads more. 

Question for you:
Are you going anywhere nice this summer if so where?

Comment in the comments box at bottom of this page.

Example of the comments box

Have a lovely summer

Steven Blair :)
Find me on

This is just a quick post to say that my blog now has a domain name. This will make it a lot easier to remember and also will save me using tinyurl on twitter ( Be sure to follow me @steveoblair ).

The new link for my blog is www.themagicofstevenblair.tk/  

Besure to share the good news and also comment below with what you would like to see posted on here.

Steven Blair :)
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Well to day is Easter Sunday and my Easter egg hunt has ended.
Big well done to everyone who found the content. I think some of the clues made it a bit too easy especially number 7 (ends it).

So now time for me show you where it was in case you never found it.(picture below)

First of all you need to go to this blog post. (click here)
Then go to third line down.
Then go to the last word which is “internet”
Lastly click the full stop
And then you have found the hidden content

Hidden content awnser

Well I hope you had fun taking part in my Easter egg hunt if you didn’t find it maybe some other time I will do another hunt and maybe have prizes and stuff.

I will be posting another blog post sometime at the beginning of May.
So have a happy Easter and don’t eat to much chocolate and candy or you will end up fat.
Comment below what you got for Easter.

Steven Blair :)
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Yesterday I did a special Easter post. In the post I spoke about a hidden link. I have only came across one person who has found the Easter egg well done to them (but I do think they have to much spare time ). I am going to make it easier by giving some clues.

1. It can found in this post. (clcik here)
2. It is clickable (so your cursor will turn from an arrow to a little hand).
3. It isn’t one of the links at the end of the post (the you tube face book and twitter).
4. It could be a word, a letter, or even a piece of punctuation.
5. It isn’t obvious. (why make it easy)
6. Its in the last place you will look. (why find it and keep looking ).
7. It ends it (major clue)

Well that’s enough of terrible clues. Yet again I want to wish you all a happy Easter and remember don’t eat to many eggs or you will end up fat.
Happy Hunting

Steven Blair :)
Find me on

Well this Sunday is Easter Sunday and to celebrate I am having just a little bit of fun with my blog.

What to do
Somewhere on my blog there is a link hidden (know as an Easter egg see what I did ) that will redirect you to a page somewhere on the internet.

All you have to do is search this post to find the link.

Take a screen shot to show me that you found the hidden content.

And then be sure to share on the screen shot twitter, face book or where ever but be sure to tag post me (links below) so I know you have found it.

I will be updating this post every day until Easter Sunday with hints so be sure to check in everyday for a hint.

Steven Blair :)
Find me on

I haven’t posted a blog in about a month as you will see I have taken the time to redesign the blog and I am very happy with the design. My blog has been getting very popular over the past few weeks so I would to thank you all for taking your time to read it and for giving me feedback. Very much appreciated. If you would like to see just how popular my blog is getting be sure to follow me on twitter, where I will be posting pictures of my stats.

Below you will see a video of which a friend from college made me. It is just a quick intro video so no magic here (sorry to disappoint).

video edited by  John Macleod
Please let me know what you think of the new design of the blog and also the video my friend john made me.

Thanks again for the support
Steven Blair :)

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 I haven’t posted a blog in a while so I thought I would do one here goes.

The video below is a video of me performing a classic trick in magic by the “professor” Dai Vernon called “Twisting The Aces”

Time for Some history of me learning the trick and some of the trick’s history. I first learned this a while back from a book called “Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets of Card Magic” by Lewis Ganson page’s 5-7. The book was first published in 1960 and is one of my favourite books of card magic. I recommend it to any card guy.

There are loads of versions of the trick that have been published over the years such as

Twixter by Jason Alford
NFW by Gary Freed
Lee Asher using his Asher Twist
Guy Hollingworth's Waving the Aces.
Roger Smith's Maxi Twist
Meir Yedid's Card Marx
McClintock Aces

Be sure to look these up if you want to learn more.

Well that’s enough history and references now here’s the video

Hope you enjoy the video
Steven Blair

Editing by Grant Macdonald

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Before you read on I recommend that you click here to see some of Paul Gordon’s work

Sunday 16th of January 2011, I attended a day of card magic held by Paul Gordon called card capers. The day was packed full of great card magic.

The day started off at 10am where Paul Gordon did his lecture. Where he explained everything from beginner to advance tricks from self working to slight filled and tricks with full decks and packet tricks, there was something for everyone. He also spoke told stories about his experiences. The bit I liked best of the lecture was when he spoke about presentation and how to make your magic better.

At around 12:30 pm we stopped for lunch and I had chance to speak to some of the other guys that were there, spoke to a few people and showed a few tricks. I also was able to indulge in an awesome 3 course meal which was on offer at the hotel (I enjoyed the meal a lot)

Paul started the event again at around 1:30pm and in second half Paul took some questions which covered a few topics such as

  •  Misdirection when doing the pass (magicians own what I speaking about )
  •   Getting booked for gigs
  •   Slights that were causing some people problems
  •   Some more tricks
  •   And loads loads more

 Paul also had some of his published material for sale at really low prices which I managed to get my hands on some

some of Paul`s products on offer

Overall the day was great I really enjoyed it learned some killer magic, some of which I will start to use soon once I have practiced and perfected them and I would recommend Paul Gordon’s Card Capers to anyone who is into card magic.

For more info on Card Capers day of magic click here

Thanks for reading

Steven Blair

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