A Blog Based On The Life Of Your Not So Average Teenager.

Haven’t posted anything in over a month. I feel as if I have neglected my blog for a while.
Here’s what’s been going on. I have finished college for this year in which I passed my course (yeah go me) and I will be starting the next level of my degree (if you can call it that) in September.

I Recently got back from a two week holiday in the Bulgarian resort of Slanchev Briag (translated in English to Sunny Beach) in which I visited lots of nice places such as the historic town of Nesebar and the lovely city of Istanbul. You can see the photos of this on my personal Facebook page. I may do a separate post about my short trip to Istanbul sometime soon.

Since my last post I have created a fan page for Steven Blair Magician link can be found below.(click the photo)

Well that’s about it really nothing exciting has really happened in the way of magic apart from winning the Kilmarnock Magic Circle General Magic Competition but only just won it there were some great acts that entered. I will be posting a video sometime over summer of a trick I have been working on for a while now. I may film some live magic performances if I get the chance to and post them on Youtube and my on here.

Well that’s enough for me. Let me know about what you have been up to over the summer in the comments below.

Related Links
Holiday snaps
Info on Slanchev Briag
Info on Istanbul
Info on Nesebar
Facebook fan page
Kilmarnock Magic Circle 

Have a great summer
Steven Blair :)
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